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Archive for December 14th, 2011

Put a Value on Nature

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Written by vaphc

December 14, 2011 at 7:50 pm

Posted in General, Green

College admits liability for limb fall – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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College admits liability for limb fall

Posted December 14, 2011 15:08:12

An Adelaide private school has admitted liability over a tree limb which fell on a sports day, injuring three people.

Cedar College at Northgate has pleaded guilty in the Industrial Court to breaching safety laws.

The limb of an inronbark fell on on a windy day in September 2009.

The court heard an arborist had recommended the tree be pruned, then removed in two separate reports, the latter in 2007.

Lawyers for the college told the hearing the college did not understand the risk posed and ought to have removed the tree within the 18-month period, but had not.

Prosecutor Michael Opacic for SafeWork SA told the court one of the victims, John Alexander Duthie, was now a paraplegic as a result of the incident.

There will be more submissions to the court next week.

Topics: courts-and-trials, law-crime-and-justice, accidents—other, disasters-and-accidents, accidents, sa, northgate-5085, adelaide-5000

Written by vaphc

December 14, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Learning How to Kill Trees –

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Learning How to Kill Trees

A dead grove of trembling aspen in Colorado's Grand Mesa National Forest.William R.L. AndereggA dead grove of trembling aspen in Colorado’s Grand Mesa National Forest.
Green: Science

Scientists trying to understand the future of forests on a warming planet have a strange problem: They do not know how to kill trees.

I don’t mean the trees in their backyards. I would bet that the average climate scientist, especially one who studies forests, is better with a chain saw than I would be.

What I mean is that researchers don’t have a particularly good idea of how trees die in the wild, and as a consequence, they have a hard time constructing computer analyses that can accurately predict the future of forests. These programs are fine at running equations that describe the growth of trees and other plants as a function of climate in a particular area. But when it comes to understanding what causes large scale die-backs, the analyses are rudimentary at best.

I encountered this problem in my long article a few months ago on the future of the world’s forests, in which I talked about forests’ displaying disturbing signs of stress, probably as a result of global warming. This is not a problem climate scientists saw coming, which illustrates the importance of getting a better handle on the life and death of trees. So it comes as good news to learn that one of the researchers I quoted in that article, William R.L. Anderegg of Stanford University, has offered substantial new insight into how trees die.

His paper was written with five co-authors and released Monday by a journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In it, Mr. Anderegg and his colleagues focused on the phenomenon known as “sudden aspen decline” that has killed broad swaths of aspen forest in Colorado and other states in recent years. At least 15 percent of Colorado’s aspen forests have died, and Mr. Anderegg, a native of that state, was as shocked as other Coloradans.

“I played as a kid in some of those aspen groves,” he said in an interview. As his research project for a doctorate at Stanford, he resolved to learn what he could about the situation.

Scientists already knew that sudden aspen decline was a delayed response to a severe drought and heat wave in Colorado in the first half of the decade, but they did not know at a systemic level how the trees were dying. In fact, the question has almost never been studied in any forest during a massive die-back.

Mr. Anderegg and his group spent long hours cutting limbs from dying trees to investigate their physiology, imposing a drought on nursery saplings and wild trees, and taking other steps to pin down exactly what was happening. As they did so, they were weighing the two main hypotheses about how trees die.

One of these posits that in a drought or other stress situation, trees close the pores that allow carbon dioxide to enter their leaves and water to evaporate. That would conserve water, but it would also slam the brakes on photosynthesis, and the tree might essentially starve to death for lack of the carbohydrates it usually creates in its leaves to build and maintain its tissues.

The second idea is that in a drought, trees undergo a kind of hydraulic failure, with the fine tubes that take water from a tree’s roots to its leaves filling up with tiny air bubbles. The idea is that this damages the tubes and can lead to problems for the tree even after rainfall resumes.

It turns out that Mr. Anderegg’s findings strongly support the second idea: that trees die of thirst, not hunger. He found plenty of carbohydrates in the roots of dying aspens, but also clear evidence that their water distribution systems had been damaged and could not recover even after the drought ended in 2004. In my interview with him, Mr. Anderegg compared trees to people: we die of thirst a lot more easily than we starve to death.

James Worrall, a scientist with the United States Forest Service who has also studied sudden aspen decline, described Mr. Anderegg’s paper (he was not involved in the work) as significant and the data as convincing. But he pointed out that much of the field work occurred in 2010, late in the aspen die-back, and the results might or might not be characteristic of what happened earlier.

He also said that insects had probably played a role in killing some trees weakened by drought, and the insect populations may have built up enough to kill even trees that had not suffered much in the drought. “Although certainly not the last word on how aspen stands die, this work is an important contribution that will certainly spur further research,” Dr. Worrall said.

Both Dr. Worrall and Mr. Anderegg pointed out that the two ideas about tree death were not mutually exclusive, so while hydraulic failure appears to be the answer in at least some episodes of sudden aspen decline, that does not mean it will be right in every forest die-back. People can die in many different ways — why not trees? So a lot of work needs to be done on other forest die-back situations to establish whether Mr. Anderegg’s results represent a universal pattern or just one among several possibilities.

Unfortunately, scientists may get plenty of opportunities for such research, given the rate at which forests seem to be dying. Mr. Anderegg is finishing his doctoral work at Stanford, and my guess is that he will wind up in one of the laboratories struggling to do a better job of forecasting the future of the world’s forests.

Written by vaphc

December 14, 2011 at 11:46 am

Posted in Uncategorized