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Posts Tagged ‘Pruners

Felco Number 7

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I love these things. At first I was a little skeptical. Swivel handle? Ergonomic handle?

Come on.

After all I have been used to using an 10 year old pair of felcos. Number 2 I believe? Very old. Very basic.

But after pruning my first woody ornamental with these babies, man, I’m in love.

The twisting, swivel handle takes a minute to get used to. Once you do, you find the repeated pressure of opening and closing the handle to be satisfying easy. Smooth. How did I ever prune without the swivel action? These pruners are great. Nice. Well built. Very Nice.

Thank you Felco !

Go get you some. Prune some bushes.

Felco Website

Written by vaphc

September 28, 2011 at 9:12 pm

Posted in General, Shrubs

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