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Archive for January 25th, 2012

Blooming in winter

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Flowers blooming in mid-winter
By Ros Runner


This winter season has brought us some chilly days here and there. But overall, it’s been very mild compared to the last 2 winters. Mild enough so that signs of spring have been visible since early January.

This winter has been a tame one so far and our wallets are loving it…heating bills are lower compared to the past few winters. However, these unusually warm temperatures have confused Mother Nature and some of the spring blossoms have made an early appearance.

“Blooms could be hurt on some of the flowering shrubs, flowering trees, possibly, some of the blooms could come out early and be hurt by a frost,” said NBC12 Gardening Expert Doug Hensel.

There isn’t much we can do to protect them and these frequent warmer than average days could ultimately impact the beauty of our spring, especially if temperatures take a plunge in February.

“The best thing that could happen when we’re having a mild winter like we’re experiencing this year is for us to have a gradual decline into normal temperatures and not a sharp, rapid drop in temperatures,” Hensel added.

Perennials and our native plants should do just fine, regardless of any big shifts in the weather pattern.

“We may have to adjust our calendar this year, just a little bit, to when the proper time is to do certain things such as crabgrass control, or the pruning of things, or the feeding of plants,” he said.

On the plus side, the ground isn’t frozen and there is plenty of moisture in the soil. It’s actually a great time for you to be planting while enjoying some time outdoors.

Copyright 2012 WWBT NBC12. All rights reserved.

Written by vaphc

January 25, 2012 at 8:52 pm

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Daphne odora

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Written by vaphc

January 25, 2012 at 9:14 am

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